Bernard Toon & Son

Bernard Toon & Son

Anti Snap / Snap Secure Locks

What is Lock Snapping?

You may well have heard of “cylinder snapping” or “lock snapping“.Lock snapping is a very common method used by burglars to break into a property that has a euro cylinder (almost all properties that have UPVC, composite and aluminium doors. Some wooden doors use them too). They’re often used in commercial as well as domestic environments. This method involves breaking the cylinder across its weakest point using items you’d find in an average tool box. This method is quick and fairly quiet.

Although a good multipoint mechanism with hooks, deadbolts etc may have been fitted it’s important to realise they are operated by the cylinder. With the cylinder removed the mechanism can be unlocked with ease bypassing any security.

How can Lock Snapping be prevented?

We recommend fitting a 3star product to doors using euro cylinders. This can be achieved by either fitting a 1 star euro cylinder and 2 star security handles / cylinder guards or fitting a 3 star anti snap euro cylinder.

A 3 star anti snap euro cylinder is usually the most cost effective way.

Our 3 star anti snap cylinders, made by Mul T Lock conform to the TS007:2011 standard and carry a 3 star rating as well as being approved by the Secured by Design initiative.

What is an Anti snap / Snap secure lock?

An anti snap lock is essentially an upgraded version of a standard euro cylinder that can be retro fitted in place of your current lock. They are reinforced across the weak section and engineered to snap across a sacrificial point which then leaves the cylinder flush or below the surface of the door should it be attacked thus leaving the door secure.

If you’d like any more information about lock snapping, or our anti snap lock of choice Mul T Lock Integrator Break Secure XP or a survey please get in touch by email or on 01332 233 425.

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